Cambridge University Press

Convert your article to Open Access

If your institution has entered into a publishing agreement with Cambridge University Press, you may be eligible for funding to make your article open access (OA).

If your article is already published and you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please fill out the form below to submit a retroactive OA request. As the corresponding author, you must have full authority to execute this form on behalf of any co-authors.

If your article has not yet been published, do not submit this form. Get in touch with your Cambridge production contact for instructions on how to publish your article OA.

If you have any questions, visit our FAQs page or email
Article Details

Please provide your article DOI. This can be found in the information box near the bottom of your article's landing page on Cambridge Core, it is also normally printed in the footer of your manuscript pages.

Your Details

Please use your institutional email address, if possible. This helps your library to easily verify your affiliation.

Please provide your institutional affiliation as printed on your manuscript.

License Information

Your retroactive OA amendment must be completed in Ironclad. After submitting this form, you will receive an Information Request Form via email so that we can produce an amendment licence for your signature.

While completing your Information Request Form, make sure to select Open Access publishing and an appropriate Creative Commons Licence.

CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution Licence): Allows others to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. This is often the licence that is required for journal articles by some funders, including cOAlition S or UKRI.

More information on Creative Commons is available via our website.

CC BY-NC-SA (Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share-alike): Allows others to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, remix, transform and build upon the material for any non-commercial purpose, but the material may not be used for any commercial purpose. If the material is remixed, transformed or built upon, it must be distributed under the same licence as the original.

More information on Creative Commons is available via our website.

CC BY-NC-ND (Creative Commons Non-Commercial No-Derivatives Licence): Allows others to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. However, the material may not be used for commercial purposes and if you remix, transform or build upon the material these modifications cannot be distributed.

More information on Creative Commons is available via our website.

Your licence choice will function as an addendum to your article's original author publishing agreement, to the extent of updating the publishing format referenced. All other terms of your original author publishing agreement, including warranties, will remain unchanged.
Our Open Research team will help you identify the method you used to complete your publishing agreement and will be in touch with further instructions.
Eligibility Declaration
To be eligible for Gold OA funding through our agreements, we require that: 
  • You are the corresponding author of the manuscript.
  • Your manuscript is original research. Eligible article types are research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports or case reports.
  • Your manuscript is published in a journal covered by your institution. Please see our eligibility checker tool for a complete list.
  • Your manuscript was accepted for publication during the terms of your institution's agreement.
  • Your request must be submitted no later than the 31st March of the year after your article's online publication. 

By clicking Accept and Submit below, you confirm that you are the corresponding author for the above article and that you agree to the contractual changes set out in this form on behalf of yourself and any co-authors.